Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy I pushed through that run!

Another tough morning on the treadmill--but after all the melted chocolate I consumed yesterday, I knew I HAD to stick it out!  I'm not sure why this week's morning runs are harder than usual--the mileage is the same, but it may be that I'm not getting quite enough sleep.  This week has its own challenges, as eldest daughter and I are going to an open house at the HIGH SCHOOL she will enter this coming August (a mere 7 months from now!).  I went to a parents' meeting at her current school last night to learn more about the registration process, and I'm fairly sure my parents did not have it this hard back in the day.  Going from a small, faith-based private school to a large public high school will require a good deal of effort, but we'll get there.

The point of all that rambling is that my running may very well be my salvation this week, as it definitely de-stresses me.  Just wish I had some extra energy reserves to power through.  Thank goodness for great songs shuffling through the iPhone this morning!

Happy running!


  1. Way to push thru!!

    PS: You've been tagged in my blog!

  2. Hi TT... I found your blog on WOrds to Run By, and have had a lovely time reading your posts! This one spoke to me b/c I too have a daughter who will be entering high school in AUg. HOLY CRAP!!! It's crazy to think that we're there already. We've gone to a private Christian school and now she's considering going to a public high school (my alma mater)... I don't know. It's scary I think. I kind of like the insulated feeling of the school she's been going to. Why did y'all decide to do the public school? Just curious, since we're in the same boat.
    Thanks for sharing your inspiring training... I'm a pokey runner/walker who's only been putting one foot in front of the other for about a year. I've totally enjoyed reading your blog, thanks!
    ~Jamie in Savannah

    1. Jamie--It really is a scary time! This particular high school is the one that both my husband and I attended, so you and I definitely have a lot in common. The school building itself has changed enough that I'm not sure I could find my way around, and the scheduling is completely different. Do y'all have block schedules? This is a new concept for me--we just went to the same 7 (8?) classes every day, an hour at a time. Now they have 4 88-minute classes that meet every other day. Totally bizarre! The decision to leave the Christian school environment has not been easy for us, but the school she attends now only goes through 8th grade, so next year will be somewhere else regardless. The other Christian school in this area that does go through 12th grade is very good, but also considerably more expensive, and with two younger sisters, we just can't swing it. More importantly, however, I fear that if we kept her in that sheltered environment through high school, "real life" (whether college or not) would be a harder transition. By sending her into a more diverse environment now, we will be able to walk with her through the various things she will no doubt encounter. She has gone to a faith-based school since age 3, so we have to trust that the foundation is there to carry her through the challenges that she will face the next four years. (And of course, we'll be praying our hearts out!!!)

      Glad to know someone else relates to my slow (but hopefully steady) running--and life! Thanks for reading, and let me know what you decide to with your daughter this fall!
